Complaints Procedure

At Patten Estates, we strive to provide excellent service to our clients. However, we understand that occasionally, issues that require attention and resolution may arise. We take complaints seriously and aim to handle them promptly and fairly. This document outlines our complaints procedure, ensuring that your concerns are addressed efficiently.

  1. Contacting the Lettings Agency
    If you have a complaint, we encourage you to first raise the issue with your designated point of contact at the letting’s agency. This could be your property manager, lettings agent, or any other representative who has been assisting you. Clearly explain the nature of your complaint, providing specific details such as dates, names, and any supporting documentation.
  2. Initial Response
    Upon receiving your complaint, we will acknowledge its receipt within 3 working days via your preferred communication method (email, letter, or phone). Our acknowledgment will include the name and contact details of the person who will be handling your complaint.
  3. Investigation
    We will conduct a thorough investigation into your complaint. This may involve gathering additional information, reviewing relevant documents, and speaking with relevant staff members or contractors. We aim to complete this investigation within 15 working days, but more complex issues may require additional time.
  4. Complaint Resolution
    Once the investigation is complete, we will provide you with a written response detailing our findings and proposed resolution. This response will be sent to you via your preferred communication method. If we are unable to resolve the complaint within the initial timeframe, we will provide you with regular updates on the progress until a resolution is reached.
  5. Escalation to Senior Management
    If you are dissatisfied with the initial response or the proposed resolution, you have the option to escalate your complaint to senior management. You can do this by writing, clearly stating your reasons for dissatisfaction, and attaching any relevant correspondence. The senior management team will review your complaint and provide a final response within 15 working days.
  6. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
    If you remain dissatisfied with the response from the lettings agency, you may consider seeking independent redress through an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme. We are a member of The Property Redress Scheme, and you can request details of this scheme from us. The ADR scheme acts as an impartial mediator between you and the lettings agency, assisting in reaching a fair resolution.
    Please note that we take all complaints seriously and aim to resolve them as quickly as possible. We appreciate your cooperation throughout this process and assure you that your concerns will be handled with utmost professionalism.
    If you have any questions or require further information regarding our complaint’s procedure, please do not hesitate to contact us at or call 01775 661555.

How can we help? Drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you

Patten Estates - Spalding 01775 661555